Ross Franklin

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How an Internationally Renowned DJ/ Entrepreneur Spends His Day - Brendan Fallis

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Brendan Fallis has become one of the most sought after DJs in the world. He has been a DJ for some of the most high-profile companies and events around the globe. In addition to being a renowned DJ, he is a self-made entrepreneur owning a talent management firm called Pre.veyor and also a company called NMRKT, NYC's premier rating system for buildings. Brendan has beed featured "Best Dressed" in Vanity Fair and has been named as one of the "15 Hottest Men to Follow On Instagram" by MSN Lifestyle. 


Podcast with brendan fallis

Ross: On the podcast today we have voted as one of the hottest guys to follow on Instagram. One of the coolest guys around, he is a world renowned international DJ he is an entrepreneur and a bio-hacker. We have Mr. Brendan Fallis on the show today.


Ross: How are you, Brendan?


Brendan: I am good Ross, nice to meet you.


Ross: Great to see you, man. So super talented Brendan on the show, we've met several times, and he's introduced me some really cool people. And first up Brendan can you tell me a little bit about like being a world-renowned DJ? How did you get into that you man, that is amazing?


Brendan: Well you know it was a way to eat. And so I started and moved to New York for a very little salary at age 27 for $21,000 a year which was believe it or not you have to get by on. So I was working as this office manager, and I needed a way to find alternative means to food and drink. My friend manages a restaurant so I started just to go in there and eat with him on whenever night I could whenever there's a free meal. So it was a reason to hang out as well, but then they open another there was a restaurant called Papa do you remember that?


Ross: Yeah.


Brendan: There is one meat back before they opened another one across from Fao Schwartz's.


Ross: Very sad story about like what happened to the owner. I heard the story where the owner was like a very like generous guy. He hired someone who like used to be a felon.


Brendan: Oh really?


Ross: Yeah, I believe he was actually shot.


Brendan: Really?


Ross: Yeah, the owner of the papa grill and meatback.


Brendan: Really?


Ross: Yeah


Brendan: Well, I don't know. TBD I have to go and do some research. Anyway, they opened another one across from Fao Schwartz's. On Monday nights was very dead, Prussian wouldn't even be opened. So I'll just go out there and hang, and my friend was like bring your computer we should teach ourselves how to DJ. So we just start to do that and then one day Renninger Rinz and Crawford were eating because they were friends with the owner. I guess Randy come here in the restaurant, so he complimented, he's like the music's great. Renninger is like yeah I guess I'll love him to play at my restaurant or whatever which would have been cool because I had never played there. He is like no it's cool, he's for us, and then he moved me to Friday nights and then I just kind of start sprawling from there


Ross: Wow oh, my God! That's how you got discovered?


Brendan: I guess so. That was my little road to the beginnings, and after that, it has just been networking. I guess what I think a lot of people don't do in that industry is you know people start young, and I wasn't so young. So I had better lines on it versus being 19 wearing a backward fitted hat thinking you're cool. It was different in the fact that as soon as I understood that I could make some money on this, I printed some cards and gave them out. Even though I wasn't working, I‘m like yeah I am doing this you know. I work here you want to hire me? Even when I DJed for someone, I would wake up at 9 am the next day and send an email to them right away. So there is just a follow-up which I don't think people really do you know there's like oh I'll do that again next week. I'll get wasted with my friends or whatever. I just treated it like a business and got the manager's number butted him up, play what people wanted and then didn't have any ego about it. It wasn't about me obviously there is a part of the business that is playing what you know and your skill but if someone told you to play something just play it. You know if someone told you to stop playing or turn it up or down, you turn it up or down you know it's not like you are the hero there.


Ross: I love that the little gold nugget you said about your follow-up. How like you followed up with them immediately and I've heard that from a lot of successful entrepreneurs that it's that diligence with following up that has really helped them.


Brendan: Yeah, you have to because it just makes you serious or just on the ball would you rather consistently meet up with someone who is five minutes late or five minutes early. So you know it's the same thing like it is punctuality through email which I think people don't think about a lot but just in business, I have learned that there are some people who are huge music managers and they hit me back immediately all the time consistently every time. I'm like how am I even in the food chain for you let alone you're just writing back. You know it is an impressive this skill, and I probably did way better because of it.


Ross: Yeah you know I've noticed that a lot especially one guy Gary Vaynerchuk, I met him early on in his career. The guy was getting thousands and thousands of emails, and he was responding to them like immediately right away. He was going through all of them, so it is like it's that ability to follow up that I think that's how these people have gotten to where they've got.


Brendan: Totally.


Ross: That's amazing


Brendan: I'm going to follow up this..


Ross: It's alright. So talk to me a little bit about after you got your DJ career going. How did you get involved in these other businesses that you are involved in?


Brendan: So I think you know it's interesting because I worked in fashion when I moved here and I started kind of as an office manager, and I was consulting a few little brains on the side. I went over to work for a men's T-shirt Broncos Newmars; I don't know if you know it. They are kind of sports reference things and say like lovers in the Lakers Favre and Chamberlain 20,000 on the back because he slept with 20,000 women whatever you know stuff like that. Just cheeky kind of smart sports references. So I would be doing that stuff during the day and DJing at night, and by way of that, I always look at DJing as a supplementary income to just allow me to work during the day and not be really happy because I had no money. So at one point the tide shifted, and I started making way more DJing during the daytime hours, but I still like that extra income obviously I can't give it up. It was then like $36,000 extra, and I wasn't going to forfeit 36 grand. But then at one point, I was like I'm so tired during the day that I've got to give this up. So I finally gave it up, and your business starts to get better because you have more time to focus on everything. But still to this day to get back to your question I use my DJ work because it's all evening work mostly. I'm now in the corporate space, so I start maybe DJing at six sometimes for 2 to 3 hours and like the latest I go is to 2 am, but that's almost rare because it all more events based. So it is still supplementary income for me to do entrepreneurial things during the day. So the way I look at it is freedom from a desk, so I don't have to work in the confines of an office job per se although I have to sit in my own office every day. But I don't have to work for someone else by having a supplementary income. So that's how I stuck with it, so that's what allowed me to power more entrepreneurial ideas and focusing on helping other people in creating businesses.


Ross: I'm glad you mentioned that distinction because when I think of like a DJ, I think oh my God like this guy must be up to like the wee hours of the morning like 4 am and 5 am. And I am like how does he run his businesses, and this guy is a bio-hacker super and health. I'm like when does this guy sleep?


Brendan: I mean some people do that, they don't sleep. They would just run different hours like you can change your daily sleep pattern to whatever you know. I think there's something that was said about the sun rises and sets and you should kind of on with our vibes and positivity and all the energy we have. I think it helps but people who go to bed at 5, they don't wake up 9 am which is what I was doing before. Because I will work 6 to 7 nights a week and then work like 10 am to 8 pm office job. Actually, you would appreciate this story as I was taking naps at work when I was doing the 6-7 nights a week. There's a little sofa outside our office in the hall so I'll take naps for just 20 minutes or whatever. But you know how naps is, you come back fully refreshed, and you feel great. And my boss is like dude you can't just be napping everyday like no one else gets to nap like that. I know you think it refreshes you but you can't nap. I'm like this is bullshit man like you are paying me shit, and I'm working so hard like c'mon. So for the next two and a half almost three months, I made an Excel doc, and I start to monitor those four other people in our office of eight that smoked. So I went to monitor their cigarette breaks, and I'm like okay this guy took 15 minutes. And I do that weekly, and after two to three weeks I have their averages, and then I just amortized it over the year. Then I asked for a meeting with my boss, and he is like hey whats up man. I'm like the meeting is about my interest, let's just meet real quick. So I showed him my spreadsheet, and I'm like you didn't allow me nap, and I'm super tired of work. I'm trying to do something healthy these people doing something completely unproductive, and they are killing themselves, and they are taking hear this they took two months a year off this year with 515-minute breaks every day. They are basically taking two months off, and you are penalizing me for my 20-minute break where I am napping being healthy. I should at least get more vacation, or I can take my naps.


Ross: You showed him the data


Brendan: He was like dude just take your naps man; it's cool. But I still think like now I think this is kind of crazy if you smoke you should have less vacation you know if you don't smoke you should get an extra week. Because what's productive, you know I was coming up with ideas and why is it allowed in the workplace? Oh, you are a smoker yeah do your thing. Yeah like it's really nuts.


Ross: Yeah, you are right if you add up all that time doing something unhealthy.


Brendan: That would be like my first like bio hacking success story. How could I hacked the system to my health and benefit from it?


Ross: Love it! So tell me about this company purveyor that you're involved with. How did that start and what is it exactly?


Brendan: It is not purveyor it is preveyor, I mean it just sounds the same. So just to tell you the meaning of the word to me was like a purveyor is always cool but this is like ahead of the cool. You know like a purveyor is always deciding what's next, but we are trying to beat all that. So that's kind of the basis of the company so either aethos more or less. So we try and find all these people who were like before the even next people which has been working out well but it started by just being a shell company for what I had to run my money through. Just analysis you do before you become your first entrepreneurial business. You set up your LLC in Delaware so I just set it up and then I was kind of pushing on my DJ money through so I can get my right off or whatever. And then someone introduced me to somebody who said can you help them out? So I met this guy Gabe who is now my partner, he wanted to get in the hospitality PR. So just like you, he will take meetings trying to help people out and whatever. So I introduced him to some hospitality people, and he was like men I really wanted to help a DJ. I could do some PR for a DJ, and I'm like cool, I don't know any who would need that, and I don't even know what that really means and why you would benefit. He is like well, I really think what you are doing is cool. Can I just help you out for a couple of months and let's see how it goes. So he starts to line us some press articles for me and put mixed tapes places in kind of cool stuff. I was like this is cool and you know I paid thinking through, and I'm like what do you think I should get for this and it just kind of morphed into this organic DJ relationship which is really cool. And I realized you couldn't negotiate for yourself a lot of times because you end up doing things for free all the time and it just ends up nuts. You can't tell your friends you're worth way more than they will be like man what why would I pay you that much? You know, but when you put someone in between, it happened. So that started to work and then from there I made him my partner too generous and we've just kind of build the business to 14 or 12 DJs who are all in this day and age their own brands through Instagram. So we do a lot of social deals, commercial brand endorsements, DJ gigs, and kind of work in the fashion luxury tech space in the corporate and then I just signed two fitness people. So that's kind of my new, I've kind of bridged the gap with fitness so as my wife. So we opened a lot of doors in that respect so, and I am working with some people to do more health and wellness based stuff, but it's harder to grind.


Ross: Very cool, so preveyor started out for DJs, 12 DJs. Now you're getting into other entries; you are getting into fitness.


Brendan: Yeah, fitness and a bunch of real persons who are just kind of straight influencers but I think what we are trying to work with is someone who has at least two verticals in their business. Like the influencer, thing is good right now, but it's more interesting if you have something to back it off because you can play off it to build up interesting opportunities. Whereas who knows how long this influencer, just straight influencers bubble will last and then you would just like working with people who suddenly no one cares about and weren't able to build an interesting business for themselves. I think you know if you have a fashion line but you also have a brand presence for your self that's cool. If you have a fitness you know, you are a trainer or professional net and then that or a DJ. You know at least you have two things and social place into it. Like you have a juice bar, and then you have an Instagram presence like that's cool. You know you have something to back it up on versus like I just take these cool pictures and close today.


Ross: Right like there needs to be some sort of angle. So if you have like a top trainer who trains like all these celebrities...


Brendan: Yeah, that's what I have. Two of those.


Ross: So how do they find you?


Brendan: There are people I trained with. So one I DJ a gig for and she reached out to me on twitter after and was like I would love to train you and let's work it into a gig for the same company which is called BFX. I don't think they run anymore anyway


Ross: It is owned by a NewYork sports club


Brendan: Yeah, NewYork sports club now. I think it is just changing to NYC lab. Anyway, so I worked some training sessions into that and start training with her. I trained with her for a year and a half and about six months ago I was like listen you need so much help. And she's an incredible human being the nicest person. Same thing you train next to her like she essentially asks you how are you feeling today? And you are like you train so many people how do you follow up with everyone, it's important.


Ross: It's the follow-up factor. It's the trait that is common with very successful people.


Brendan: And then another guy whose name is Joe holder who has a kind of aethos called the photosystem's but he's going to slow his face but let's just get back to his name. But he is a Nike trainer and a very talented guy.


Ross: So these types of guys right so with your company like what would do you do is it building their personal brand?


Brendan: Yes so, for instance, those two people versus DJs. I mean it is all the same, and so it is just getting in there deciding you know what they need to focus on more. How they can build that up, what things they could benefit from, where they could be finding out their likes and interests. So you know I'm not going to pair Joe with Eve since he's got a Nike deal or even if I wasn't going to go get him a beats deal if he was into Sennheiser headphones you know for running or I won't get him spire if you know he wanted to do fit bit you know. So just like filtering out what they like and the same with DJ. And he's like you know what other musicians you want to be associated with what kind of clothing brains do you like, what car brains do you like, what watch brains do you like. You know and then just like the building appeared on from there but then also looking at how they run their brand awareness you know. They obviously have an idea of it but how do we put that in something that's formattable that you can actually grow from.


Ross: That's really cool. So basically you take someone who's got an angle, and these are people who typically already have a following to start right?


Brendan: For sure. Well yeah kind of, like one girl we found who we just thought was cool and she has like 8000 followers and we taught her how to DJ. These two other girls we found had maybe 40 to 50,000 followers; we thought them how to DJ. Now they are up to 500,000 followers.


Ross: Really?


Brendan: Yeah, and they are like crushing it. You know they are twins, they are really good you know. They love music, but they had no idea what to do with it, and they didn't have an angle, or their socials were kind of growing, and they have an angle. So now it is like first of all you have a business to back on, and then we can build you into campaigns. We have them like the face of Cartier, the faces of seven mankind and then they are DJing for crazy fashion week slam Dj and all that.


Ross: So you took them from $40,000 followers on Instagram to half a million.


Brendan: Well, it's not us like they did as well. But you give them advice along the way to help them do it. You can't take credit for anyone else's work that they put in day to day.


Ross: That's really cool and then tells about the other business that you are involved in.


Brendan: The other business is called grand logic which is definitely a different angle than telling but still entrepreneurial mindset and my role there is more on the biz Dev introductions which is how we met. And what you have seen firsthand that I just do really quickly as people in touch are good people, but I like real estate a lot. I think real estate is going to be a proper endgame for me or a bigger game. I'm an owner of two properties now and I'm trying to look at the third but one of them being a home, first one. The second one being an income property and then hopefully the third one will be the same. But that being said my friend who was a DJ who came to New York and he didn't have any success in DJing and got screwed over by his landlord. He's a tard fellow, brilliant guy. He actually uses Djing as a really cool thing he set up to do his thesis in school. He started DJing and used the nightclub as his lab for rats essentially, and he monitored how beats per minute and genre could change bar sales retention and sells drinks to girls versus guys. He like did all the stats behind just music and how it worked. Through that, he could predict anything through the night and if a DJ was worth having, how much they should be paid, how much parcels they could do but all through technical data superintendence. So he is just like a really bright guy, and then he got screwed over by his landlord twice or maybe three times here in New York. He was like I'm over this there's gotta be some transparency in this industry as these are terrible things. So he spent the last three years developing this system called grand logic which you can go to and just type in your address and they have taken the last 10 or 15 years of 311 data made an out room of it, and they will just erect your building from ABC or D just like the health sector.


Ross: Awesome! So just like the department of health, you go to a restaurant, and it has like an A or B or C.


Brendan: Exactly that should exist on the front of your building at some point or in the front lobby, and then there will also be a QR code you get to scan, and they will tell you what's available to rent in the building and how much it is. And he is even going further doing crazy stuff like just trying to flatten the landscape of if you know incredulous to determine the apartment you see like an ad from place and you go oh it looks great. And you go in, and it is like another address but the same photos, and you are like what's happening here? And it's like the bait and switches classic method where he's trying to work with the real estate part of New york to find an algorithm to subset all these people, and if they get the defense once and if they do it the second one they get to lose their broker's license. So it's just like trying to make it a fair playing ground which it should be. You know it's like an old school, and no one's really disrupted it correctly. So this is a big opportunity.


Ross: Yeah, cool man. You have in your hands a lot of really cool things.


Brendan: Could be.


Ross: So here's what I have been trying to ask you. So you are also in the field of bio-hacking, and here on the show, our listeners are super into like bio-hacking gadgets, just health tips, strategies. And so what I would love to ask you is can you walk us through like you are doing so much, how do you start your day? What supplements are you taking? What do your daily routines look like?


Brendan: Yeah, my days usually start with, and I'm trying to do 100 pushups in the morning right now which really is the blood flowing and is just like a good number. Not all in a row, it can come to like 4 stops to 25 or whatever but you can kind of do them two before you get into the shower two out and it doesn't take a lot of energy. So it's kind of how I kick start my day, and then I've just been trying to go a little more curious. I'm trying to start my day with a bulk of each morning which I don't really drink caffeine because it gets me really not properly but positively wired. It gets my neck like tighten them and shaking around, not really productive. So I've been using these it is called the Dandy blend which is great.


Ross: It has got dandelion root in there.


Brendan: Yeah it is awesome, and it is kind of a caffeine supplement right, I think.


Ross: Yeah, it has chicory root, it has dandelion root, it's a blend.


Brendan: Yeah, it definitely gives you like...


Ross: It you up, coffee alternative.


Brendan: Yeah, coffee alternative exactly but it doesn't make me wired crazy. So like that was some MCT and then some hot water and I'm off to my day. I start with that usually then drink a hygiene water which you now know. So I'm trying to do three of those a day which I'm really enjoying, so that's kind of my alright that got me and relieves a little brain fog. And then I've been trying to do a fish oil around most meals, three magnesium a day and some vitamin D, like a D3 once a day that's kind of my regular. I've been you know I'm pushing to 40s, and I've been taking this neural forte called.


Ross: Yes taking that too.


Brendan: Alright, I see you as long as the boat slips are getting big, not parking any yacht in there just a small boat.


Ross: Some good herbs in there.


Brendan: It is actually a decent one. I showed it to one of my trainers, and he is like man this is a pretty good just daily blend of stuff. So I feel better so I won't take like some Brogan or I don't know what they are called.


Ross: Propecia and all that stuff.


Brendan: Yeah, the side effects are crazy. I feel like as soon as I look at the bottle, I just hear some commercial going…


Ross: Exactly.


Brendan: So the days neural forte, I don't know someone recommended it to me, and then I put it on blast on Instagram, they just sent me three of them instantly.


Ross: Wow, it is very expensive.


Brendan: I was like it's great; I'll take it. So I have been doing that which I feel pretty good about. There is this company called like a red which I don't know if you know it but I'm going to introduce you to, but they have been around for 50 years or something. But I just started taking this thing that's a tomato-based pill that helps prolong your skin from an inside out way from sun exposure. So it is not like a sunscreen for you and jazz it is kind of like if aloe vera were to be rubbed kind of like an internal version to that.


Ross: Really? What is it called?


Brendan: Yeah like a red. So I would like to hear your perspective on it and they are a pretty cool company. I heard about it because one girl I mean she did a deal with them. So she has been pushing it a lot and yeah I think it is pretty cool you, so they just sent me some. So it's kind of among that too.


Ross: Cool


Brendan: Yeah, that's probably, I tried and kept a pretty clean and just eat the right things you know that's the best source of nutrients at the end of the day.


Ross: Okay now. I think what our listeners would appreciate is you were like voted as like one of the hottest guys to follow on Instagram like all the stuff in GQ and you are known for your fashion. As far as like your skin care regimen can you talk a little bit about that, any good tips there?


Brendan: I mean the age of wash your face.


Ross: Do you do it for our age?


Brendan: I think it is hereditary as well. You now I think some people at this age, people are like oh my skin, it's like I think you are kind of born with a lot of it, but yes maintenance is good. Like I always do in the summer, and the summer months I always use a moisturizer with 30 at least 30 or 25 SPF in it daily. Because I think you know, we are getting hit with UV rays everywhere and I think it helps you. The Angel of washing your face before bed and when you get up in the morning is pretty good. I try to use, and people send me all sorts of things. So I don't try and switch up too much because I think your skin also wants to be pretty consistent with everything but I think technology helps a bit. But then you know last as a dinner before people are talking about salofeno which is just pharmacy recommended. But I feel like it doesn't get me clean for some reason. You know I try to scrub like something was some grid net once a week but yet nothing crazy. You know I was really like frowning at night for a while, so I was using this frowning thing which is like stick on your head before you go to bed, but when I wake up, I won't have it. So I was like this is nice but then that actually just made relax which is cool. But yeah I don't know nothing crazy just like moisturizer some under-eyes. I'm a big believer in under-eyes stuff I think if there's anything it just pretty personal like whatever feels like it tightens for you like it just feels really cool and tightens, I'll take it. And then aloe after the sun, I love covering myself in aloe if I had been at the beach all day or something. That's about it.


Ross: Cool, great! Alright, so we covered skin care routine and kind of your daily routine supplements. Any other kind of best practices do you integrate throughout the day?


Brendan: For me all I think about is workflow. That's my big thing which I'm sure you're big in too, but there's nothing like I mean exercise. I'm big on exercise; I was going to the gym a lot kind of like four to five days a week sometimes twice a day. That's because I wasn't eating right and I just kind of figured that out recently. So I'm really trying this quito thing which I think will help me. It's good to train that much, but it is almost overtraining as you need to recover as much as you need to train or maybe twice as much as you train. So I'm just going for a light run once a week or twice a week and then three days of training I think is as good for me, and that's kind of where I'm netting it out I would say. And then just workflow beside like I think that really helps the clarity of mind. I'm trying to meditate which is I don't know if it is New York that makes meditating hard but it seems to be probably the hardest thing I tried to do. It is just finding like where these 10 minutes are? Why is it so hard to find this 10 minutes? But I really struggled to find this 10 minutes a lot, but when I do find it, I really feel it's helping me get some perspective on things. I remember the first time I meditated I was just was like let your mind go and focus, let your mind go and focus, and I was using headspace. I was at dinner after the first day I meditated, and I didn't really talk, and my wife said to me after like what are you doing at dinner we haven't caught up with you for so long, why aren't you talking? And I was like, to be honest, I was just practicing this art of meditating like listening to them. But then I could like just focus on my breathing, and you know like zone the space in the gray area, and then I come back into it which is like pseudo-meditated dinner. I'm like I guess so. I can't really tell you what that was just about, that is what happened. So I'm interested in it, and I'll like to get deeper into it.


Ross: Great! I'm in the same boat, me as well.


Brendan: And there are so many different types you know of like things to focus on to help you do certain things and then other styles of meditation. It is just a deep world, and I feel pretty knowledge in the world I've set myself in so far to the point that I really just feel like a rookie in that one.


Ross: Yeah, I'm with you, the fact that you mentioned like the breathing just like focus on breathing. I'm seeing my breathing coach later today, and she's tough men. Yeah, every time she's like focus on the inhale and the exhale, it is due for sauna time. You know I showed you earlier the spire which has been tracking my breathing. So now when I meet with her I know she is going to ask are you doing it well, now I can show her the data like on my phone, I'm a big data guy.


Brendan: And she'll be like no you are not.


Ross: So perhaps you have talked a lot about efficiency, I think the big take away I got from this is just the follow-up it just reinforces following-up which is definitely the key to success. Have you found any other strategies as far as efficiency or tools that helped you to be more productive?


Brendan: I mean I'm a big list guy, so I just have like a daily book that I'm writing everything down. I think everyone seems to think that their email account is enough of that list. But email gets juggled in with replies, and so many things are working the way in and things that are at the bottom like how often do you get there. And I'm a big folder guy, my emails everything's really organized, but I mean my just your handwritten lesson I think there's something still be said about handwriting and how it ingrains in your brain. Like when you write something down you remember more. So I'm big into that and then just working through those things huge in the calendar. I love making sure my calendar is very tight very clean and organized. But I have a meeting this week about Hubspot do you know HubSpot?


Ross: Sure!


Brendan: Yeah on Sunday with the guy who owns grand logic. He swears by it, and he swears it has changed his whole life.


Ross: It was originally designed for like it is a prospect for sales strength sales force


Brendan: And now it is just like full-blown kind of platform to just crush your business


Ross: Right helping you automated emails, there is a lot of different integrations.


Brendan: You follow up with this person for this long and its kind of things that he says I'm very interested. I did the whole tutorial and having dived in so I want to hear his whole. Sometimes you know when you read a manual I guess kind of drone and I was about to read the manual, and I'm like you know I should just go on youtube and find the most viewed drone first-time tutorial. It took 3 to 4 minutes versus like trying to read every detail, and I was off to the races. Like I feel like HubSpot going to your friend who's had great success with it and figuring out how he does use it off the start and then you go deeper into it would be cool.


Ross: I'm up the mentality; it is like the Apple mentality right. It doesn't really come with instruction manuals; the user interface should be so easy. You just go on, and you start doing it.


Brendan: That's the problem with education I think. In general, my big boy is in school, and the school system is just an integrated like all the archive system of like A's B's C's and D's based on this stuff. Where really is the real-life experience part in here? Where are all these tips we are talking about for kids coming out of college? Like you know unless they have a guest speaker and they don't hear this, and you're working through these theories which are so difficult. Unlike something related to people, real experience will always win I get it, but there's got to be a way to kind of mold that and change the system a bit.


Ross: Yeah man, 100%. I was a biology major in college, and we were talking about genes. I was asking like how do you look so good; you are about to be 40?


Brendan: Yeah. I'm 38.


Ross: Okay, I get it, you are still a few the years away.


Brendan: I just put myself there so when it comes like I'm 40. I'm almost thinking I'm 43 years.


Ross: So with genes, it's like I've heard the old excuse for years. Oh like how does the person look so good? They must have good genes right. And they over used it for everything and then and this didn't even exist when I went to college but the whole field of epigenetics, gene expression. Then you have like that nutrition, your supplements, your environment all impacts. It turns off and on different genes so it is controlling your genes and this didn't even exist. And so a lot of times like when I'm reading a biology textbook, it's like there's arrogance in the scientific community and now a lot of it is a lot of what I learned back in college. It's like it is damn wrong.


Brendan: Yeah like, what is that? You know how upsetting is that? But I think that's just the world we live in now. I always relate it to the fact that your dad was always the voice of reason and the source of knowledge and like that dad has lost all their power now. Because you are like dad whats up with this and as soon as the kids figure out how to google they are like dad you're wrong. I mean what are you about google? You know like before you can go to an encyclopedia and look it up and you didn't really want to do that as a kid, so you are not going to do it. Pretty soon you will just be like Siri what's up, and your dad will be like erm you know I thought you know. As a dad, you just Google it first is that your thing because you know what's up and when you check and then you tell him you know.


Ross: That must be your strategy.


Brendan: Yeah to see what's going on there.


Ross: Yes, the dads of have lost their...


Brendan: The dads were always the voice of the household who knew everything you know. Well ask your grandfather because he might know he's older you know. Now that chain of knowledge command is gone.


Ross: Yeah man, and it's a new generation. You know it is funny too I was in the car going to an event with a bunch of guys at Princeton where it is all brainstorming and talking about social media, and we would talk about Instagram. And I threw up the question, and I was like I'm wondering like whenever I take an element, I'm trying to master it. I'm trying to like masters the social media game right now which I know you're like an expert in. And I'm like who has the most followers on Instagram? I threw out the card, and they are all like going on their phones to Google it. And I have to tell you, I was shocked, I was really surprised.


Brendan: Selena Gomez.


Ross: I was like what? How did she have more followers than the rock than the president? Yeah, a 125 million.


Brendan: Yeah, she took Taylor Swift off number one to number two.


Ross: Yeah I was thinking about it and was like why is that and then it kind of occurred to me that it's like you look at like the millennials especially the teenyboppers like they are the ones who apparently are like doing their text messages now just direct messages on Instagram and they are the ones really kind of controlling that field. I was just blown away.


Brendan: Well, it's always been I think about the Beatles you know. Think about how old everyone was when they love the Beatles. The Beatles were like 20-year-old guys, and their girls were like 15, 16, and they changed fan mail you know. That was like the first fan mail at the sort of like these guys were buried in letters. So it's no difference since evolution happens right. We were talking about this last night where you know my furniture said I think like you know there will be no real compassion and stuff in the future because this will all be digital. So there will be no age of like courting women you know like it was so great when you are such a cordial guy and all stuff now. He is like it works just a bit different. He's like what do you mean? I'm like you don't think your grandfather right now thinks the way you are courting women is completely different? You know, and he is like what do you mean? He said we still go on dates and I'm like yeah you text. If you told someone in 1905 that I'm going to send a message through space to someone else's pocket and they are going to reply right back to me and then we are going to meet? I mean like that didn't happen you get to write a letter. You have to hope to see them you know like you maybe made a call if you have a phone. You know it is like it's just different we are just all normalized by what's currently happening. But in the future everyone's only dating through tender you'll just be the guy who wrote a better profile. You know it just always change like to your point disarming through Instagram. Yes, there's text at a snap like it is just you snap to talk that's the text. I can text my wife's 17-year-old sister hey what's up you want to do dinner with us? And she'll be like she will write back to the text and then I can snap her and show her right back immediately.


Ross: Really?


Brendan: You know so they are just on there. Change like these platforms evolves so much quicker than a pen and paper did. So like what we think you know by the time they are 35 their big memories are snap memories. But like look at us it is no different Lebron used MSN messenger like that was crazy and that was the best thing ever. You know in Canada with a single ICQ which was even older it's just like that doesn't even exist anymore. When you are in college, you thought MSN would be your lifeblood you know, and it's just gone. But it's like how do you get to the top of those people uses weibo and we chat, and they have like huge followings on these things. Like what is that even and that's just Asia. They do even use Instagram like we do you know. It's crazy.


Ross: Right times are changing


Brendan: Fast! Evolution hockey-stick is on the rise.


Ross: Awesome! Well, it is such a pleasure to share in your wealth of knowledge.


Brendan: Yeah, thanks for having me. I don't know if that can be a wealth of opinion.


Ross: Now, this was really great. Thank you so much for being on the show, this was awesome.


Brendan: I would like to circle back in the later years of the podcast growth.


Ross: Absolutely.


Brendan: And see if we have all changed.


Ross: Yes, we would love to have you back.


Brendan: And where evolution has taken us.


Ross: Hundred percent.


Brendan: When you are selling like vapor, you get like vapor green, and it's just like vapor juice, nutrients of vapor.


Ross: Awesome!


Brendan: Alright man. It has been a pleasure.


Ross: Thanks so much


Brendan: Thank you.


Ross: Right.